Reverse Engineering for Beginners

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13.3.3 ARM64: Optimizing GCC 4.9.1.

There is no code to be triggered if the input value is 0, so GCC tries to make the jump table more compact and so it starts at
1 as an input value.

GCC 4.9.1 for ARM64 uses an even cleverer trick. It’s able to encode all offsets as 8-bit bytes. Let’s recall that all ARM64
instructions have a size of 4 bytes. GCC is uses the fact that all offsets in my tiny example are in close proximity to each
other. So the jump table consisting of single bytes.

Listing 13.11: Optimizing GCC 4.9.1 ARM64

; input value in W0
sub w0, w0, #1
cmp w0, 21
; branch if less or equal (unsigned):
bls .L9
; print "default":
adrp x0, .LC4
add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC4
b puts
; load jumptable address to X1:
adrp x1, .L4
add x1, x1, :lo12:.L4
; W0=input_value-1
; load byte from the table:
ldrb w0, [x1,w0,uxtw]
; load address of the Lrtx label:
adr x1, .Lrtx4
; multiply table element by 4 (by shifting 2 bits left) and add (or subtract) to the address of
add x0, x1, w0, sxtb #2
; jump to the calculated address:
br x0
; this label is pointing in code (text) segment:
.section .rodata
; everything after ".section" statement is allocated in the read-only data (rodata) segment:
.byte (.L3 - .Lrtx4) / 4 ; case 1
.byte (.L3 - .Lrtx4) / 4 ; case 2
.byte (.L5 - .Lrtx4) / 4 ; case 3
.byte (.L5 - .Lrtx4) / 4 ; case 4
.byte (.L5 - .Lrtx4) / 4 ; case 5
.byte (.L5 - .Lrtx4) / 4 ; case 6
.byte (.L3 - .Lrtx4) / 4 ; case 7
.byte (.L6 - .Lrtx4) / 4 ; case 8
.byte (.L6 - .Lrtx4) / 4 ; case 9
.byte (.L3 - .Lrtx4) / 4 ; case 10
.byte (.L2 - .Lrtx4) / 4 ; case 11
.byte (.L2 - .Lrtx4) / 4 ; case 12
.byte (.L2 - .Lrtx4) / 4 ; case 13
.byte (.L2 - .Lrtx4) / 4 ; case 14
.byte (.L2 - .Lrtx4) / 4 ; case 15
.byte (.L2 - .Lrtx4) / 4 ; case 16
.byte (.L2 - .Lrtx4) / 4 ; case 17
.byte (.L2 - .Lrtx4) / 4 ; case 18
.byte (.L2 - .Lrtx4) / 4 ; case 19
.byte (.L6 - .Lrtx4) / 4 ; case 20
.byte (.L6 - .Lrtx4) / 4 ; case 21
.byte (.L7 - .Lrtx4) / 4 ; case 22
; everything after ".text" statement is allocated in the code (text) segment:
; print "22"
adrp x0, .LC3
add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC3
b puts

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