Reverse Engineering for Beginners

(avery) #1


v$ = 8
calculate_machine_epsilon PROC
movsdx QWORD PTR v$[rsp], xmm0
movaps xmm1, xmm0
inc QWORD PTR v$[rsp]
movsdx xmm0, QWORD PTR v$[rsp]
subsd xmm0, xmm1
ret 0
calculate_machine_epsilon ENDP

There is no way to add 1 to a value in 128-bit XMM register, so it must be placed into memory.

There is, however, the ADDSD instruction (Add Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Values) which can add a value to the
lowest 64-bit half of a XMM register while ignoring the higher one, but MSVC 2012 probably is not that good yet^2.

Nevertheless, the value is then reloaded to a XMM register and subtraction occurs. SUBSD is “Subtract Scalar Double-
Precision Floating-Point Values”, i.e., it operates on the lower 64-bit part of 128-bit XMM register. The result is returned in
the XMM0 register.

27.5 Pseudo-random number generator example revisited.

Let’s revisit “pseudo-random number generator example” example listing.22.1.

If we compile this in MSVC 2012, it will use the SIMD instructions for the FPU.

Listing 27.12: Optimizing MSVC 2012

__real@3f800000 DD 03f800000r ; 1

tv128 = -4
_tmp$ = -4
?float_rand@@YAMXZ PROC
push ecx
call ?my_rand@@YAIXZ
; EAX=pseudorandom value
and eax, 8388607 ; 007fffffH
or eax, 1065353216 ; 3f800000H
; EAX=pseudorandom value & 0x007fffff | 0x3f800000
; store it into local stack:
mov DWORD PTR _tmp$[esp+4], eax
; reload it as float point number:
movss xmm0, DWORD PTR _tmp$[esp+4]
; subtract 1.0:
subss xmm0, DWORD PTR __real@3f800000
; move value to ST0 by placing it in temporary variable...
movss DWORD PTR tv128[esp+4], xmm0
; ... and reloading it into ST0:
fld DWORD PTR tv128[esp+4]
pop ecx
ret 0
?float_rand@@YAMXZ ENDP

All instructions have the -SS suffix, which stands for “Scalar Single”. “Scalar” implies that only one value is stored in the
register. “Single” stands forfloatdata type.

27.6 Summary.

Only the lower half of XMM registers is used in all examples here, to store number in IEEE 754 format.

Essentially, all instructions prefixed by-SD(“Scalar Double-Precision”)—are instructions working with floating point numbers
in IEEE 754 format, stored in the lower 64-bit half of a XMM register.

And it is easier than in the FPU, probably because the SIMD extensions were evolved in a less chaotic way than the FPU ones
in the past. The stack register model is not used.

(^2) As an exercise, you may try to rework this code to eliminate the usage of the local stack.

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