Reverse Engineering for Beginners

(avery) #1


.hidden __dso_handle

But it does not create a separate function for this, each destructor is passed to atexit(), one by one.

51.4.2 std::list

This is the well-known doubly-linked list: each element has two pointers, to the previous and next elements.

This implies that the memory footprint is enlarged by 2wordsfor each element (8 bytes in 32-bit environment or 16 bytes
in 64-bit).

C++ STL just adds the “next” and “previous” pointers to the existing structure of the type that you want to unite in a list.

Let’s work out an example with a simple 2-variable structure that we want to store in a list.

Although the C++ standard [ISO13] does not say how to implement it, both MSVC’s and GCC’s implementations are straight-
forward and similar, so here is only one source code for both:

#include <stdio.h>

struct a
int x;
int y;

struct List_node
struct List_node _Next;
struct List_node
int x;
int y;

void dump_List_node (struct List_node *n)
printf ("ptr=0x%p _Next=0x%p _Prev=0x%p x=%d y=%d\n",
n, n->_Next, n->_Prev, n->x, n->y);

void dump_List_vals (struct List_node n)
struct List_node

for (;;)
dump_List_node (current);
if (current==n) // end

void dump_List_val (unsigned int a)
#ifdef _MSC_VER
// GCC implementation does not have "size" field
printf ("_Myhead=0x%p, _Mysize=%d\n", a[0], a[1]);
dump_List_vals ((struct List_node

int main()
std::list l;

printf ("* empty list:\n");
dump_List_val((unsigned int*)(void*)&l);
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