Reverse Engineering for Beginners

(avery) #1


; allocate new node
call ??$_Buynode@ABUa@@@?$_List_buy@Ua@@V?$allocator@Ua@@@std@@@std@@QAEPAU?⤦
Ç$_List_node@Ua@@PAX@1@PAU21@0ABUa@@@Z ; std::_List_buy<a,std::allocator<a> >::_Buynode<a ⤦
Çconst &>
mov DWORD PTR [esi+4], eax
mov ecx, DWORD PTR [eax+4]
mov DWORD PTR _t1$[esp+28], 5 ; data for a new node
mov DWORD PTR [ecx], eax
lea eax, DWORD PTR _t1$[esp+28]
push eax
push DWORD PTR [ebx+4]
lea ecx, DWORD PTR _l$[esp+36]
push ebx
mov DWORD PTR _t1$[esp+44], 6 ; data for a new node
; allocate new node
call ??$_Buynode@ABUa@@@?$_List_buy@Ua@@V?$allocator@Ua@@@std@@@std@@QAEPAU?⤦
Ç$_List_node@Ua@@PAX@1@PAU21@0ABUa@@@Z ; std::_List_buy<a,std::allocator<a> >::_Buynode<a ⤦
Çconst &>
mov DWORD PTR [ebx+4], eax
mov ecx, DWORD PTR [eax+4]
push OFFSET $SG40689 ; '* 3-elements list:'
mov DWORD PTR _l$[esp+36], 3
mov DWORD PTR [ecx], eax
call edi ; printf
lea eax, DWORD PTR _l$[esp+32]
push eax
call ?dump_List_val@@YAXPAI@Z ; dump_List_val
push OFFSET $SG40831 ; 'node at .begin:'
call edi ; printf
push DWORD PTR [ebx] ; get next field of nodelvariable points to
call ?dump_List_node@@YAXPAUList_node@@@Z ; dump_List_node
push OFFSET $SG40835 ; 'node at .end:'
call edi ; printf
push ebx ; pointer to the node $l$ variable points to!
call ?dump_List_node@@YAXPAUList_node@@@Z ; dump_List_node
push OFFSET $SG40839 ; '* let''s count from the begin:'
call edi ; printf
mov esi, DWORD PTR [ebx] ; operator++: get ->next pointer
push DWORD PTR [esi+12]
push DWORD PTR [esi+8]
push OFFSET $SG40846 ; '1st element: %d %d'
call edi ; printf
mov esi, DWORD PTR [esi] ; operator++: get ->next pointer
push DWORD PTR [esi+12]
push DWORD PTR [esi+8]
push OFFSET $SG40848 ; '2nd element: %d %d'
call edi ; printf
mov esi, DWORD PTR [esi] ; operator++: get ->next pointer
push DWORD PTR [esi+12]
push DWORD PTR [esi+8]
push OFFSET $SG40850 ; '3rd element: %d %d'
call edi ; printf
mov eax, DWORD PTR [esi] ; operator++: get ->next pointer
add esp, 64
push DWORD PTR [eax+12]
push DWORD PTR [eax+8]
push OFFSET $SG40852 ; 'element at .end(): %d %d'
call edi ; printf
push OFFSET $SG40853 ; '* let''s count from the end:'
call edi ; printf
push DWORD PTR [ebx+12] ; use x and y fields from the nodelvariable points to
push DWORD PTR [ebx+8]
push OFFSET $SG40860 ; 'element at .end(): %d %d'
call edi ; printf
mov esi, DWORD PTR [ebx+4] ; operator--: get ->prev pointer
push DWORD PTR [esi+12]
push DWORD PTR [esi+8]
push OFFSET $SG40862 ; '3rd element: %d %d'
call edi ; printf
mov esi, DWORD PTR [esi+4] ; operator--: get ->prev pointer
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