Reverse Engineering for Beginners

(avery) #1


.text:0000A4AE err_warn endp

That’s why we were unable to find the error messages in the executable files, because they are encrypted (which is is popular

Another call to theSSQ()hashing function passes the “offln” string to it and compares the result with0xFE81and0x12A9.
If they don’t match, it works with sometimer()function (maybe waiting for a poorly connected dongle to be reconnected
and check again?) and then decrypts another error message to dump.

.text:0000DA55 loc_DA55: ; CODE XREF: sync_sys+24Cj
.text:0000DA55 push offset aOffln ; "offln"
.text:0000DA5A call SSQ
.text:0000DA5F add esp, 4
.text:0000DA62 mov dl, [ebx]
.text:0000DA64 mov esi, eax
.text:0000DA66 cmp dl, 0Bh
.text:0000DA69 jnz short loc_DA83
.text:0000DA6B cmp esi, 0FE81h
.text:0000DA71 jz OK
.text:0000DA77 cmp esi, 0FFFFF8EFh
.text:0000DA7D jz OK
.text:0000DA83 loc_DA83: ; CODE XREF: sync_sys+201j
.text:0000DA83 mov cl, [ebx]
.text:0000DA85 cmp cl, 0Ch
.text:0000DA88 jnz short loc_DA9F
.text:0000DA8A cmp esi, 12A9h
.text:0000DA90 jz OK
.text:0000DA96 cmp esi, 0FFFFFFF5h
.text:0000DA99 jz OK
.text:0000DA9F loc_DA9F: ; CODE XREF: sync_sys+220j
.text:0000DA9F mov eax, [ebp+var_18]
.text:0000DAA2 test eax, eax
.text:0000DAA4 jz short loc_DAB0
.text:0000DAA6 push 24h
.text:0000DAA8 call timer
.text:0000DAAD add esp, 4
.text:0000DAB0 loc_DAB0: ; CODE XREF: sync_sys+23Cj
.text:0000DAB0 inc edi
.text:0000DAB1 cmp edi, 3
.text:0000DAB4 jle short loc_DA55
.text:0000DAB6 mov eax, ds:net_env
.text:0000DABB test eax, eax
.text:0000DABD jz short error


.text:0000DAF7 error: ; CODE XREF: sync_sys+255j
.text:0000DAF7 ; sync_sys+274j ...
.text:0000DAF7 mov [ebp+var_8], offset encrypted_error_message2
.text:0000DAFE mov [ebp+var_C], 17h ; decrypting key
.text:0000DB05 jmp decrypt_end_print_message


; this name we gave to label:
.text:0000D9B6 decrypt_end_print_message: ; CODE XREF: sync_sys+29Dj
.text:0000D9B6 ; sync_sys+2ABj
.text:0000D9B6 mov eax, [ebp+var_18]
.text:0000D9B9 test eax, eax
.text:0000D9BB jnz short loc_D9FB
.text:0000D9BD mov edx, [ebp+var_C] ; key
.text:0000D9C0 mov ecx, [ebp+var_8] ; string
.text:0000D9C3 push edx
.text:0000D9C4 push 20h
.text:0000D9C6 push ecx
.text:0000D9C7 push 18h
.text:0000D9C9 call err_warn

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