Reverse Engineering for Beginners

(avery) #1


.text:64406F76 mov ecx, [ebp+7728h+var_7794]
.text:64406F79 cmp dword ptr [ecx+3A4h], 1
.text:64406F80 jnz compression_flag_is_zero
.text:64406F86 mov byte ptr [ebx+7], 1
.text:64406F8A mov eax, [esi+18h]
.text:64406F8D mov ecx, eax
.text:64406F8F test eax, eax
.text:64406F91 ja short loc_64406FFF
.text:64406F93 mov ecx, [esi+14h]
.text:64406F96 mov eax, [esi+20h]
.text:64406F99 loc_64406F99:
.text:64406F99 push dword ptr [edi+2868h] ; int
.text:64406F9F lea edx, [ebp+7728h+var_77A4]
.text:64406FA2 push edx ; int
.text:64406FA3 push 30000 ; int
.text:64406FA8 lea edx, [ebp+7728h+Dst]
.text:64406FAB push edx ; Dst
.text:64406FAC push ecx ; int
.text:64406FAD push eax ; Src
.text:64406FAE push dword ptr [edi+28C0h] ; int
.text:64406FB4 call sub_644055C5 ; actual compression routine
.text:64406FB9 add esp, 1Ch
.text:64406FBC cmp eax, 0FFFFFFF6h
.text:64406FBF jz short loc_64407004
.text:64406FC1 cmp eax, 1
.text:64406FC4 jz loc_6440708C
.text:64406FCA cmp eax, 2
.text:64406FCD jz short loc_64407004
.text:64406FCF push eax
.text:64406FD0 push offset aCompressionErr ; "compression error [rc = \%d]-⤦
Çprogram wi"...
.text:64406FD5 push offset aGui_err_compre ; "GUI_ERR_COMPRESS"
.text:64406FDA push dword ptr [edi+28D0h]
.text:64406FE0 call SapPcTxtRead

Let’s take a look insub_644055C5. In it we can only see the call to memcpy() and another function named (byIDA)sub_64417440.

And, let’s take a look insidesub_64417440. What we see is:

.text:6441747C push offset aErrorCsrcompre ; "\nERROR: CsRCompress: invalid⤦
.text:64417481 call eax ; dword_644F94C8
.text:64417483 add esp, 4

Voilà! We’ve found the function that actually compresses the data. As it was shown in past^8 , this function is used in SAP
and also the open-source MaxDB project. So it is available in source form.

Doing the last check here:

.text:64406F79 cmp dword ptr [ecx+3A4h], 1
.text:64406F80 jnz compression_flag_is_zero

ReplaceJNZhere for an unconditionalJMP. Remove the environment variable TDW_NOCOMPRESS. Voilà! In Wireshark we
see that the client messages are not compressed. The server responses, however, are compressed.

So we found exact connection between the environment variable and the point where data compression routine can be
called or bypassed.

80.2 SAP 6.0 password checking functions.

One time when the author of this book have returned again to his SAP 6.0 IDES installed in a VMware box, he figured out
that he forgot the password for the SAP* account, then he have remembered it, but then we got this error message«Password
logon no longer possible - too many failed attempts», since he’ve made all these attempts in trying to recall it.

The first extremely good news was that the fulldisp+work.pdbPDBfile is supplied with SAP, and it contain almost everything:
function names, structures, types, local variable and argument names, etc. What a lavish gift!


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