Reverse Engineering for Beginners

(avery) #1


Chapter 83


Demos (or demomaking) were an excellent exercise in mathematics, computer graphics programming and very tight x86
hand coding.

83.1 10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10

All examples here are MS-DOS .COM files.

In [al12] we can read about one of the most simple possible random maze generators. It just prints a slash or backslash
characters randomly and endlessly, resulting in something like this:

There are a few known implementations for 16-bit x86.

83.1.1 Trixter’s 42 byte version.

The listing was taken from his website^1 , but the comments are mine.

00000000: B001 mov al,1 ; set 40x25 video mode
00000002: CD10 int 010
00000004: 30FF xor bh,bh ; set video page for int 10h call
00000006: B9D007 mov cx,007D0 ; 2000 characters to output
00000009: 31C0 xor ax,ax
0000000B: 9C pushf ; push flags
; get random value from timer chip
0000000C: FA cli ; disable interrupts
0000000D: E643 out 043,al ; write 0 to port 43h


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