Reverse Engineering for Beginners

(avery) #1


; This function compares two blocks of memory and returns the number
; of bytes that compared equal.
; Arguments:
; Source1 (esp+4) - Supplies a pointer to the first block of memory to
; compare.
; Source2 (esp+8) - Supplies a pointer to the second block of memory to
; compare.
; Length (esp+12) - Supplies the Length, in bytes, of the memory to be
; compared.
; Return Value:
; The number of bytes that compared equal is returned as the function
; value. If all bytes compared equal, then the length of the original
; block of memory is returned.

RcmSource1 equ [esp+12]
RcmSource2 equ [esp+16]
RcmLength equ [esp+20]

cPublicProc _RtlCompareMemory,3
cPublicFpo 3,0

push esi ; save registers
push edi ;
cld ; clear direction
mov esi,RcmSource1 ; (esi) -> first block to compare
mov edi,RcmSource2 ; (edi) -> second block to compare

; Compare dwords, if any.

rcm10: mov ecx,RcmLength ; (ecx) = length in bytes
shr ecx,2 ; (ecx) = length in dwords
jz rcm20 ; no dwords, try bytes
repe cmpsd ; compare dwords
jnz rcm40 ; mismatch, go find byte

; Compare residual bytes, if any.

rcm20: mov ecx,RcmLength ; (ecx) = length in bytes
and ecx,3 ; (ecx) = length mod 4
jz rcm30 ; 0 odd bytes, go do dwords
repe cmpsb ; compare odd bytes
jnz rcm50 ; mismatch, go report how far we got

; All bytes in the block match.

rcm30: mov eax,RcmLength ; set number of matching bytes
pop edi ; restore registers
pop esi ;
stdRET _RtlCompareMemory

; When we come to rcm40, esi (and edi) points to the dword after the
; one which caused the mismatch. Back up 1 dword and find the byte.
; Since we know the dword didn't match, we can assume one byte won't.
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