How to Succeed in Commercial Photography : Insights From a Leading Consultant

(Ron) #1
been counseling photographers from every discipline from
portrait to advertising, from editorial to photojournalism, for
the last twenty-eight years. My clients now reside across the
United States and Canada, with some located in the United
Kingdom, India, and Australia.


Beginning a career in professional photography as I did,
with one year’s worth of photo school and no business training,
worked in the seventies, but today’s market is jam-packed and
the “business of having a business” today is extremely complex.
Due to the onslaught of the branding craze, clients now
hire a photographer if there is a match between their corporate
client’s brand message (as exhibited in a layout) and the photo-
grapher’s vision. This is a huge change from when an existing
relationship between a buyer and a photographer was the
exclusive reason to hire a talent.
Licensing, an issue since the “new” 1978 copyright law went
into effect (which gave photographers the option to resell their
work), is still a mystery to many, clients and photographers alike,
and the onset of the digital age has waved in not only a new way
of capturing images but a new way of seeing and pricing photo-
graphy. Buyers now peruse Web sites with eyes once reserved for
print portfolios, and prospects are seemingly younger and some
would say far more inexperienced than their predecessors.
Unbelievably cheap royalty-free photos, along with visually stun-
ning stock photography images that come in every shape and
size, have narrowed the assignment market dramatically.
Yes, today’s world is not for the faint-hearted or for those who
throw themselves into a business with little preparation or plan-
ning, and it is certainly no place for those who choose to
approach their tasks with a negative “I can’t win anyway” attitude.
Over the last two dozen or more years, I have had the
opportunity to work side by side with hundreds of photogra-
phers. I can confidently tell you that with the exception of a few
minor specifics, each area of photography requires the same
type of attention, and the steps one takes to insure success are
quite similar.



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