How to Succeed in Commercial Photography : Insights From a Leading Consultant

(Ron) #1
challenging, as it pushes commercial photographers, forcing
them to dig deeper into their creative pockets.


In order to be sure that your information about buyer’s
trends and habits is complete, look beyond your vision. Look at
sales tools and sales trails and make sure that you understand
how buyers are choosing talent. Here are some marketing tools
that have shifted for buyers.
Sourcebooks seem to be the dinosaurs of the industry.
One would never know it by looking at the size of the major
sourcebooks, but I am hearing all the time from buyers that
Web portals (many owned and run by the same companies
that publish the print sourcebooks) are getting all of the traf-
fic. I am told that the books are glanced at and then go on a
shelf. When buyers are searching, they go to the bookmarks of
Web sites saved and on to online directories. Many prospects
still keep direct mail and refer to notes from in-person visits.
While some photographers can track an occasional lead
or assignment directly to a sourcebook page, it seems as if
this once-successful addition to a photographer’s marketing
program is much less successful today then it was just a year or
so ago.
Web portals, on the other hand, are hot. This makes
perfect sense as we move further into a digital, online, e-mail,
Web-oriented society.
For years I have been pushing my clients to use another
recently popular marketing tool, visual e-mails. These mailers,
containing a photograph with a short message or no message
(but a clear link to a photographer’s Web site) are currently
huge marketing tools. While many shooters were resistant, they
are now coming around as they see that clients are opening
them and accessing their sites (in large numbers in some
cases). Tracking software is a must as e-mail addresses can be
harvested for future, in-person showings.
Visual trends, marketing shifts, and buyers’ habits have
always been and will continue to be a central part of the ever-
changing landscape that we know as commercial photography.


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