How to Succeed in Commercial Photography : Insights From a Leading Consultant

(Ron) #1
Contrary to popular belief, building an editorial client base
is no easier than developing advertising clients. Portrait clients
are not easier to obtain than corporate prospects. There is no
one area of photography that is easier or quicker to succeed in
and none that takes more time and attention to maintain.
There are no shortcuts, but there are steps that you will need to
take in order to be successful. Attitude is everything and a posi-
tive, proactive nature beats a reactive, negative approach any
day of the week!


In this book I attempt to share my knowledge with you. The
information, guidance, and perspective that I have gleaned
over the last twenty-eight years are all here. You are now the
beneficiary of my experience. This book covers the main areas
that you will need to focus on as you take a fresh new look at
how you will develop your business and constantly maintain and
retain your client base.
It is my wish that the information in this book will be invalu-
able to you regardless of where you are in your career. New and
experienced photographers alike are accountable on a daily
basis for a boatload of tasks, many of which are foreign to them.
I am hoping to demystify the process and enlighten you as you
seek to do the following:

  • Articulate your creative professional and financial goals

  • Define and refine your vision

  • Develop your product, your body of work that represents
    your subject of interest and your visual approach to your

  • Begin to understand your prospects’ buying habits

  • Build the tools (Web site, print portfolio, e-mailers, and
    direct mail pieces) that are needed to facilitate your sales
    and marketing program

  • Grow your team, the specialists who will help you to market
    and service your clients



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