How to Succeed in Commercial Photography : Insights From a Leading Consultant

(Ron) #1

hierarchy here and your work stands at the top. The structural
part of the portfolio, or the house, should never rival the con-
tent, only accent it,” states Mullenberg.
While there are many premade portfolio options that can
work for you, a custom book developed by a bookmaker specifi-
cally for your body of work is a true gift.
Mullenberg opines, “The beauty of having a custom portfolio
created is you have the opportunity to choose materials that
reflect you and your work. There’s a broad array of materials
available, from leather, linen, silk, and synthetic that can be used
to create a portfolio that makes it solely you.”
Having a custom book created is not just a visual perk; it
delivers a solid value message to your prospects. Mullenberg

A custom portfolio communicates to the prospec-
tive client that you have thought about your work
beyond the images. The housing reflects thoughtful-
ness and care, and says that you are a photographer
who is serious about your work, on every level, from col-
lateral materials to Web site, to portfolio. The custom
portfolio reflects the photographer in that it personal-
izes their introduction and takes it beyond the status
quo found in most commercial options.

In addition to the benefits Scott mentions, the process of
working with a portfolio builder is usually an exciting creative
and collaborative opportunity.
Karineh Gurjian Angelo, a still-life shooter based in New
York City, recently completed a book with Scott. Her experi-
ence was one that she loved.
Karineh speaks enthusiastically,

Working with a book builder was a new experience
for me. I knew the value from the first time I met Selina
and saw some of the work she had created for her
clients with her book builders. When it came time to
work with Scott I discovered that it was a most amazing
experience. I had finished the images that I was going
to put in the book and was thrilled that I had created a

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