How to Succeed in Commercial Photography : Insights From a Leading Consultant

(Ron) #1


Online Portfolios

that Sell

Y our Web site is not a place to dump your photos.
Shocking but true: Many photographers treat their Web site
as a place to put “strays”—those images they love but that don’t
fit into their print books.
Your Web site is not a diary.
Why do some photographers feel that their Web site is the
perfect spot to share last year’s family photos?
Your Web site is your online visual calling card. It is the first
introduction that many buyers will have to your vision, talent,
service, and professionalism. The portfolio section of your site
is now an enormous opportunity for selling as well as market-
ing, and photographers who think of a Web site as a repository
for “extra images” must change their approach. Now it’s time to
begin to build online portfolios.


The online portfolio found within your site must suc-
cinctly deliver your visual message. The images must tell your
viewers the type of work you shoot and communicate your
visual style. While photographers are eager to develop Web
sites, few spend the time, effort, and money to design and
build an online portfolio. Why? It takes time, money, and

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