How to Succeed in Commercial Photography : Insights From a Leading Consultant

(Ron) #1
attention, lots of it. Internal and external effort is needed
here, and many photographers will simply not show up to do
the work.
Your vision must be apparent from beginning to end
online, and the image selection must have legs but still remain
within your visual range. The order and placement of your
images need to represent the care that you have taken when
developing this important area within your site. This section
must truly be a complete body of work.
“Complete body of work” is the key phrase, as I am asking
you to define your vision, understand your market’s needs, and
develop visuals that speak to both. Once images are created,
they need to be sized and paginated. Sound familiar? It should,
as I am suggesting that you develop your online portfolio with
the same focus, effort, and dedication that you apply to your
print portfolio.
In order to develop a successful online portfolio, first
address your visual message. If you have a print book that has
been worked on recently and clearly expresses what you do
and your style of shooting, it’s a pretty safe bet that the images
within speak to your vision and are appropriate for your online
portfolio as well.
Jonathan Hillyer is an experienced architectural photo-
grapher located in Atlanta, Georgia. Recently Jonathan
created a new print book followed by an online portfolio. He
shows the same images in both his main Web gallery and
print book.
“I wanted my main photo gallery to display the depth
and breadth of my work,” he states. “I was eager to highlight
my most dramatic images, as I wanted the body of work to
draw the types of clients that did the type of work I was after.
I wasn’t looking for just any assignment, and in showing the
type of work I wanted I was hoping to draw more of that in,”
he says.
While some photographers see their print book as the key
component, Jonathan’s Web gallery is his priority.
“I think the print book is an accessory to my Web site,” he
opines. “I am not out there showing my books as often as I


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