How to Succeed in Commercial Photography : Insights From a Leading Consultant

(Ron) #1
Call them several times a day between 8 am and 6 pm, leaving
only one message on Monday and one on Friday, letting
them know of your interest in scheduling an appointment.
(Don’t expect them to call back!) The rest of the time, hang
up when you get voice mail. This system gives you the opportu-
nity to try several times each day to catch them in their
office. (You could never do this with a receptionist on the
other end of the phone.) I have found that this system enables
clients to reach three to four contacts by the end of the week.
It seems to be more effective than scattered random calls to
tons of people.
If you do get someone in at 8 am or as late as 6 pm, chances
are they are looking for a bit of quiet time. Ask them if it’s ok to
talk or if they would like you to call back. While this seems coun-
terproductive to your effort, it is very considerate, and most
people will not only appreciate your consideration but indeed
will continue the conversation. Any contacts not reached after a
week of consistently phoning should be contacted via e-mail the
next week. Go through this process twice (for a total of four
weeks) and backburner any contacts not reached, calling them
again in two months’ time.
When you reach a live body on the phone or via e-mail
and he or she is interested in seeing you, ask if there are other
contacts that will be joining you or if there are other contacts
that he suggests you call for an appointment immediately
following his.

On the Visit

Make sure your book is in great shape a week before your
appointment. There is nothing worse that checking your book
as you are going out the door only to see that it is in rough
I remember a story a client from Los Angeles told me years
ago. She said she once got a call to see a potential client about
an assignment. She rarely showed her book, so she had to really
look for it as she ran out the door.
During the appointment she had a great conversation
about the job with her prospect and then began to show her


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