How to Succeed in Commercial Photography : Insights From a Leading Consultant

(Ron) #1

Steve’s thoughts are correct. Photographers need to have a
multilevel plan that incorporates many direct and indirect
advertising options. Steve’s list of ad tools is long and designed
to give him maximum exposure.
“I have two Web sites, one for lifestyle and one for busi-
ness,” he offers. “The messages of each site are different, and in
time I may drop the business site. I want my ad clients to get a
singular message and not confuse me with my corporate past.”
He continues, “My Web presence is carried on multiple
portals. I realized early on how important a good Google rank-
ing was, so I worked incredibly hard to develop a Web presence
that has placed me on the first Google page when a client surfs
for lifestyle photography. Multiple links are an important key
for ranking, and Web portals help. In addition, they provide me
a much wider audience for my site.”
Sherman has not forgotten the importance of direct mail
contact with buyers.

We send out a large postcard run approximately
every six weeks. Visual e-mails with links to our site go
out four times a year. I will be increasing the frequency
of our e-mails, as they have been very effective in driv-
ing viewers to my site. I usually send out four to six
thousand e-mails at a time. After the last blast I sent,
I received five or six requests for removals and over
twenty people thanked me for sending the information.
My Web site had several hundred hits that very day.

Citing no response to recent sourcebook ads, Steve has
dropped this option, replacing that sales trail with portal buys
that directly link to his Web site: “For the money I spend on one
sourcebook page I can be on several portals. My exposure is not
limited to one publication and my audience reach is much
wider. When I was in NYC recently, 50 percent of the buyers told
me they never use print sourcebooks anymore.”
As Stephen progresses, his faith that he is on the right track
will need to sustain him. In addition to faith, feedback from
clients at this point is vital. Having books called in for bids,


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