How to Succeed in Commercial Photography : Insights From a Leading Consultant

(Ron) #1

rarely Google a photographer, opting instead to use established
Web portals that contain hundreds and thousands of individual
photography sites. “Once the site was completed, I followed
my consultant’s advice and began to search out portals for
Web site placement. My site was listed on a few portals in the
beginning and now is accessible through the Black Book,
WORKBOOK, Alternative Pick, APA, ASMP, and Photo Serve
(PDN’s) Web sites.”
Knowing that he needed face time with buyers and not
wanting to lose touch with his current core base, Zave chose to
start his in-person visits networking in his hometown.
“I had previously joined the Philadelphia art directors club
and made a point to work on committees. I have been on the
board for quite a long time. I realized that my name on a
membership list was worthless; I needed to work side by side
with the people I wanted to meet, my buyers,” he states.
As time went on, Zave consistently followed his plan and then
decided that he was ready to build on what he had already devel-
oped. He sought more contact with prospects, and, remembering
that his goal was a national client base, he began to show his
portfolio to New York City art buyers on a consistent basis. He
currently averages about thirty in-person appointments per year.
At this point Zave had portfolio visits, drops, networking
opportunities, direct mail, and Web placement working. He
wanted to add more but felt that his budget was not able to
sustain additional efforts.
We discussed developing a template for e-mailers. Zave
decided to give it a go. We did not see this as another visual hit;
rather, we saw this as an opportunity to share a bit of Zave’s
personality. It could be a chance to share information about
Zave’s philosophies on creativity and teamwork. The e-mail doc-
ument designed by Michael McDonald carries a copy message
about the creative process. It always contains a recent shot, and
contacts are encouraged to visit Zave’s site by clicking a link
that directs them there. The e-mail has since become one of
Zave’s strongest tools.
“My e-mailer is part of my creative process,” informs Zave.

They are all copy based and seek to initiate a
dialogue with people that I might never otherwise

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