How to Succeed in Commercial Photography : Insights From a Leading Consultant

(Ron) #1

and few have the pecuniary knowledge that is necessary when
seeking to develop a profitable entity.
For some photographers financial avoidance may be limited
to not developing a marketing budget or to caving during the
negotiating process. If you dig deeper, you would hear other sto-
ries, tales about not invoicing for weeks after a shoot’s comple-
tion, never licensing images, still charging day rates, giving
clients all rights because it’s “easier that way,” and not working
with an accountant “except for my taxes.” You would ultimately
conclude that “showing up financially” is not a natural occur-
rence for most photographers.
Why do photographers seem to have avoidance issues when
it comes to money? Perhaps many are stuck in the old paradigm
that “photographers don’t need to worry about business
because they are artists.” It’s ok to starve because “after all that’s
what artists do.”
No, it’s not. Artists don’t need to starve. They can be and
indeed are successful. It’s time to stop all of the money avoid-
ance, now.
It’s a whole new world, has been for quite a while now, and
today’s paradigm demands that photographers show up, flex
their business muscle, and begin to pay as much attention to
their bottom line as they pay to the latest piece of hot new
Building a lucrative business is not impossible in the world
of commercial photography. In fact, there are many formulas
for being financially successful, and none of them are mysteries.
Why then does financial success elude so many?


I would propose it is because scores of photographers live
in poverty consciousness; they live in a world of lack.
This is a condition that I understand well, as it is where
I began my journey thirty years ago.
When I was in the very early stages of my consulting business I
knew nothing about the financial end of running a business. I was
twenty-one, recently divorced, had a $20,000 debt (from a two-
week hospital stay with no insurance), and had absolutely no

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