How to Succeed in Commercial Photography : Insights From a Leading Consultant

(Ron) #1
creative thought, which results in better creative work,
which results in a better portfolio (online and print),
which results in attracting better clients who are willing
to pay well because they recognize the value of the
creativity in your work.
All of this is essentially saying that photographers
who honor themselves, their work, and their lives mani-
fest their values by running their businesses in this
manner. They also demonstrate respect for their col-
leagues and the industry as a whole. They even show
respect for their clients. After all, when a photographer
prices appropriately the usage for an image for an ad
with, say, a million-dollar placement, they are showing
the other creative involved and the end-client that all the
creative work is worthy of that placement cost. “It costs
more because it is worth more” is the old line, and true
it is. The best part of living your life and running your
business in a values-based manner (of which the licens-
ing system is one facet) is that you then are living and
working congruently with your authentic self. You make
no false promises, you don’t lie, and you don’t have to
juggle all the balls that deceit like that brings. You’re free
to focus on the positive, to explore your creative vision,
and to be the artist and businessperson you really are
inside. No apologies. And living in truth, well, you pretty
much can’t help but be successful.

When you chose to be a freelancer you gave yourself a
superb opportunity to create your own destiny. You signed up
to build a business that would meet your goals and would
function based on your values. Clearly, your visual inventory,
your choice of how you will service your clients, and your deci-
sions about how you will price and license your images are
three key areas about which you need to make decisions with
your values in hand. This is only the beginning, so start here
and begin to build a business based on your values—one that
is indeed a business to value.


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