How to Succeed in Commercial Photography : Insights From a Leading Consultant

(Ron) #1

intelligent pricing are what clients consider when buying
assignment photography. Crafting a well-defined vision
should be your first step when looking to build a value-based
After all, if there is no vision for clients to witness, they will
not call in your portfolio for assignments, and consequently
there will be no need for you to quote or service an account. It
truly begins with vision.
Developing an eye that is mono-focused is a new concept
for most shooters.
While many photographers are now warming up to
the concept that being a visual generalist (even in smaller
markets) has gone the way of the typewriter, few have actively
worked to define their visual approach to their chosen
subject using a consistent vision. This is where you must
Robert Kent, a successful photographer based in
Vancouver, has hit the U.S. market with both guns blaring. He
has developed a strong, steady U.S. client base in only a few
short years. His agent, Nikki Kendall, credits the studio’s suc-
cess in great part to Rob’s focus on developing his look—his
visual approach.
“Once Rob’s vision was established,” says Nikki, “it became
the focus of all of our efforts. Using it as the central hub, we
created the Robert Kent brand.”
You may be wondering how to begin to develop your visual
You can initiate the process by defining the visual value you
will offer clients. This can be accomplished through the cre-
ation of a “positioning statement,” which is the description of
your vision and subject matter.
Start by asking yourself, Whatdo I shoot (your subject) and,
just as importantly, what is my visual approach? How do I use
color, light, and focus? Are people the main focus or are they
props in my images?
In order to understand how important your visual
approach is, let’s look at the images of Robert Kent
and David Stewart, whose work can be found on their
respective Web sites, and www

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