How to Succeed in Commercial Photography : Insights From a Leading Consultant

(Ron) #1

Zave continues by describing how he responded:

In the past if business was slow, I would just shoot a
photo for a new mailer. I knew that this time I was in a dif-
ferent place. A very different place. I needed to develop
new visual revenue stream. I needed to create a new book.
What I did not know was that the experience would not
only change my vision but that it would change me.
I decided to take the plunge. I was committed to
building a new portfolio that not only showed where I
had been but where I’d like to go. I wanted to craft a
portfolio that when sitting on a conference room table,
surrounded by a group of its peers, would reach out
and grab a creative director’s attention. It had to be a
portfolio that was so special that I could not wait to
show it. Up until then I had found myself making excus-
es while driving to appointments. My new book would
shift my attitude, jump-starting me into action.

Zave’s decision put into motion a full-blown portfolio build.
We edited existing images and were left with three as we began
our process. The following months found Zave and I concepting,
brainstorming, shooting, and editing, then repeating the process
over and over. Fourteen months later we had our first book.
Zave describes the process for his perspective:

Once I began, reality set in and the first few weeks
I felt as if I were at the base of a very large, tall moun-
tain whose peak is hidden behind the clouds, and all I
had was one pair of shorts and some old Nikes. I was
grateful that I had a guide. My consultant’s job was to
show me the way. While she kept me on track, I realized
that the climb was still mine to make.
What was it like at the base of the mountain? There
was a sense of glee that you might have before any trip.
There was a sense of fear as I questioned if I was up to
the task. There was a sense of mistrust, wondering if I
had chosen the right guide and if she could really help
bring me to the top. But I persevered through all of the
challenging experiences.

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