How to Succeed in Commercial Photography : Insights From a Leading Consultant

(Ron) #1
and accounting services as well as your assistants, studio
managers, and the models you hire

  • Developing persistence, your ability to stay the course no mat-
    ter how long, tough, and bumpy the road becomes

  • Having faith, your ultimate partner, the key to producing
    more and enabling you to sustain anything!

It is no exaggeration to say that a positive attitude and
approach, a deep commitment to developing your visual prod-
uct, and the willingness to meet the market where it is with an
open heart are as much a part of your success as having a large
studio, catered lunches, and a budget large enough to support
a high five-digit ad program.
For these reasons I felt it most important to write a book
of teachings that includes the practical as well as the spiritual
aspects of developing a successful photography business. The
chapters within contain information on the six different
aspects of the business that I have listed above (Value, Vision,
Team, Tools, Persistence, and Faith), as each is an area
that throughout your career you will need to consistently
attend to.
After all, the vision that you had for your business when
you began will not be the vision your business is guided by as
you end your career. The way you “see,” the eye you use, the
visual talent you employ in the beginning of your profession
will be different five years down the line. Your team will
change many times. The assistant you had this year will most
likely not be the assistant you have three years hence. The
cameras you use now may not even be around as you end your
career. (Digital photography anyone?) Favorite stylists may
come and go, and the marketing assistant you started with
may have helped so much that in a few years you are ready for
an assignment agent.
These areas must always be the attention of your focus.
Finally, you will want to intentionally approach this constant
task of observation and examination with enthusiasm and an
open heart.
Within this book, each section includes different essays,
each of which contains insights and truths as I know them to be.
You may find that different essays resonate with you at different



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