Acoustic Environment 113
Further Reading.....................................................................................................
Acoustical Materials Assoc., The use of architectural materials—theory and practice.
Davis , D. and Davis , C. , ‘ What reverberation is and what it is not ’ , Syn-Aud-Con Tech
Topic , 12 ( 13 ): 1985.
Kinsler , L. E. and Frey , A. R. , ‘ Fundamentals of acoustics ’ , 2nd ed. , New York : Wiley , 1962.
Knudsen , V. O. and Harris , C. M. , ‘ Acoustical designing in architecture ’ , New York :
Wiley , 1950.
Kuttruff , H. , ‘ Room acoustics ’ , New York : Halstead Press , 1973.
Lindsay , B. R. , ‘ Acoustics—historical and philosophical development ’ , Stroudsburg, PA :
Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross , 1973.
MacKenzie , R. (Ed.), ‘Auditorium acoustics’ , London : Applied Science Publishers , 1975.
Olson , H. F. , ‘ Music, physics, and engineering ’ , New York : Dover , 1966.
Pierce , A. D. , ‘ Acoustics: An introduction to its physical principles and applications ’ ,
New York : McGraw-Hill , 1981.
Pierce , J. R. , ‘ The science of musical sound ’ , New York : Scientifi c American Books , 1983.
Rossing , T. D. , ‘ The science of sound ’ , Reading, MA : Addison-Wesley , 1982.
Sabine , P. E. , ‘ Acoustics and architecture ’ , New York : McGraw-Hill , 1932.
Sabine , W. C. , ‘ Collected papers on acoustics ’ , Cambridge, MA : Harvard Univ. Press , 1922.
Sivian , L. J. , Dunn , H. K. , and White , S. D. , ‘ Absolute amplitudes and spectra of certain
musical instruments and orchestras ’ , IRE Trans. on Audio, 47 – 75 , May–June , 1959.
Strutt , J. W. and Rayleigh , B. , ‘ The theory of sound vols. I and II ’ , 2nd ed. , New York :
Dover , 1945.