Negative Feedback 379
Further Reading.....................................................................................................
Attwood , B. , Design parameters important for the optimisation of PWM (Class-D)
amplifi ers , JAES , 31 , p. 842 , November 1983.
Baxandall , P. , Audio power amplifi er design: Part 5 , Wireless World , p. 53 , Dec 1978.
(This superb series of articles had six parts and ran on roughly alternate months,
starting in January 1978.)
Blomley , P. , A new approach to Class-B , Wireless World , p. 57 , February 1971.
Buitendijk, P., A 40W Integrated car radio audio amplifi er , IEEE Conf on Consumer
Electronics, 1991 Session THAM 12.4, p. 174. (Class-H)
Cherry , E. , Nested differentiating feedback loops in simple audio power amplifi ers , JAES ,
30 ( 5 ): 295 , May 1982.
Evenson, R., Audio amplifi ers with tailored output impedances. Preprint for November
1988 AES convention (Los Angeles).
Feldman , L. , Class-G high-effi ciency hi-fi amplifi e r , Radio-Electronics , p. 47 , August 1976.
Gilbert , B. , Current mode circuits from a translinear viewpoint Ch 2, Analogue IC design:
The current-mode approach ed Toumazou , Lidgey & Haigh, IEE , 1990.
Goldberg and Sandler , Noise shaping and pulse-width modulation for all-digital audio
power amplifi e r , JAES , 39 , p. 449 , February 1991.
Hancock , J. , A Class-D amplifi er using MOSFETS with reduced minority carrier lifetime ,
JAES , 39 , p. 650 , September 1991.
Lin , H. C. , Transistor audio amplifi e r , Electronics , p. 173 , September 1956.
Linsley-Hood , Simple Class-A amplifi e r , Wireless World , p. 148 , April 1969.
Mills and Hawksford , Transconductance power amplifi er systems for current-driven
loudspeakers , JAES , 37 , p. 809 , March 1989.
Olsson , B. , Better audio from non-complements? , Electronics World , p. 988 , December
Peters , A. , Class E RF amplifi ers , IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits , p. 168 , June 1975.
Raab , F. , Average effi ciency of Class-G power amplifi ers , IEEE Transactions on
Consumer Electronics , CE-22 , p. 145 , May 1986.
Sampei , et al. , Highest effi ciency & super quality audio amplifi er using MOS-power FETs in
Class-G , IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics , CE-24 , p. 300 , August 1978.