Audio Principles 29
The Bel was found to be an excessively large unit for practical purposes and so it was
divided into 10 decibels, abbreviated dB with a small d and a large B and pronounced
deebee. Consequently, the number of dBs is 10 times the log of the power ratio. A device
such as an amplifi er can have a fi xed power gain that is independent of signal level and
this can be measured in dBs. However, when measuring the power of a signal, it must
be appreciated that the dB is a ratio and to quote the number of dBs without stating the
reference is about as senseless as describing the height of a mountain as 2000 without
specifying whether this is feet or meters. To show that the reference is 1 mW into 600 Ω
the units will be dB(m). In radio engineering, the dB(W) will be found, which is power
relative to 1 W.
Although the dB(m) is defi ned as a power ratio, level measurements in audio are
often done by measuring the signal voltage using 0.775 V as a reference in a circuit
whose impedance is not necessarily 600 Ω. Figure 1.23(b) shows that as the power is
proportional to the square of the voltage, the power ratio will be obtained by squaring
the voltage ratio. As squaring in logs is performed by doubling, the squared term of the
voltages can be replaced by multiplying the log by a factor of two. To give a result in dBs,
the log of the voltage ratio now has to be multiplied by 20.
While 600 Ω matched impedance working is essential for the long distances encountered
with telephones, it is quite inappropriate for analog audio wiring in a studio. The
wavelength of audio in wires at 20 kHz is 15 km. Studios are built on a smaller scale than
this and clearly analog audio cables arenot transmission lines and their characteristic
impedance is not relevant.
In professional analog audio systems, impedance matching is not only unnecessary
but also undesirable. Figure 1.24(a) shows that when impedance matching is required,
the output impedance of a signal source must be raised artifi cially so that a potential
divider is formed with the load. The actual drive voltage must be twice that needed on
the cable as the potential divider effect wastes 6 dB of signal level and requires
unnecessarily high power supply rail voltages in equipment. A further problem is that
cable capacitance can cause an undesirable HF roll-off in conjunction with the high
source impedance.
In modern professional analog audio equipment, shown in Figure 1.24(b) , the source
has the lowest output impedance practicable. This means that any ambient interference