496 Chapter 15
published in 1975, the principles have not changed, indeed it is salutary to read the
book and to realize that so much of what we think of as being modern was developed in
principle so long ago.
Undoubtedly the best book to help the reader over the tricky aspects of understanding the
meaning of transforms (Laplace, Fourier, and z) is by Peter Kraniauskus ( Transforms in
Signals and Systems , Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-201-19694-8).
Texts that describe the psychoneural, physiological, and perceptive models
of human hearing can be found in Brian Moore’s tome ( An Introduction to the Psychology
of Hearing , Academic Press ISBN 0-12-505624-9), and in James Pickles’s An
Introduction to the Physiology of Hearing (Academic Press, ISBN 0-12-554754-4). For
both of these texts a contemporary publication date is essential as developments in our
basic understanding of the hearing progress are still taking place.
Almost any undergraduate text that handles signals and modulation will cover the topic of
sampling, quantizing, noise, and errors suffi ciently well. A visit to a bookshop that caters
for university or college requirements should prove useful.
Without doubt the dedicated reader should avail themselves of copies of the Journal of
the Audio Engineering Society in whose pages many of the signifi cant processes involved
in digital audio have been described. The reader can achieve this readily by becoming
a member. The same society also organizes two conventions each year at which a large
number of papers are presented.
Additional sources of contemporary work may be found in the Research Department
Reports of the BBC Research Department, Kingswood Warren, UK, while the American
IEEE ICASSP proceedings and the related IEEE journals have also held details of useful
Other Titles of Interest
Baert et al. , Digital audio and compact disc technology , 2nd Ed. , Butterworth-
Heinemann , 1992.
Pohlmann K. C. , Advanced digital audio , Sams , 1991.
Pohlmann K. C. , Principles of digital audio , 2nd Ed. , Sams , 1989.
Sinclair R. , Introducing digital audio , PC Publishing , 1991.