566 Chapter 17
Displaced heads also allow synchronous recording to be performed on multitrack digital
audio recorders.
Some stationary head digital formats allow editing by tape cutting. This requires use of
an odd-even sample shift and concealment to prevent the damaged area of the tape being
audible. With electronic editing, now widely available, tape-cut editing is obsolete as it
does not offer the ability to preview or trim the result and causes damage to the medium.
The glue on the splicing tape tends to migrate in storage and cause errors.
References .............................................................................................................
- Baert, L. , Theunissen., L., and Vergult G. , Digital Audio and Compact Disc
Technology , 2nd Ed , Buttenvorth-Heinemann , 1992. - Pohlmann, K. , The Compact Disc , Oxford University Press , 1989.
- Pohlmann , K. C. , Advanced Digital Audio , Sams , 1991.
- Rumsey , F. , Tapeless Sound Recording , Focal Press , 1990.
- Rumsey , F. , Digital Audio Operations , Focal Press , 1991.
- Sinclair , R. , Introducing Digital Audio , PC Publishing , 1991.
- Watkinson , J. , Art of Digital Audio, Focal Press , Butterworth-Heinemann , 1988.
- Watkinson , J. , Coding for Digital Recording , Focal Press , 1990.