Index 893
Cathode ray tube (CRT) , 768 ,
CCIR 601 , see 4:2:2 digital video
CD-R , 603 , 614
CD recordable , see CD-R
CD ripping , 627
CD-RW , 613
CD writers , 612
uses , 616–620
Ceramic piezo-electric cartridges ,
CGMS , 634
Channel balance controls , 234 , 235
Channel coding , 430–431 ,
Channel separation controls ,
234–236 , 237
Characteristic impedance , 677
Circuit arrangements:
approaches , 182–183
monolithic super-matched input
devices , 178–179
paralleled input transistors,
systems using , 176–178
quad ultralow noise input ,
small power transistors, as
input devices , 179–181
step-up transformer , 176
very low noise IC op-amps , 182
Circuit capacitances , 221–222
Circuit components , 307
constant current sources ,
current mirror layouts , 309
Circuit design techniques , 218–219
Circuit oddments , 309–311
Clapham junction tone control ,
223 , 229–231 , 232
Class-A amplifi er , 317–318
Class-AB amplifi er , 318
geometric mean , 324–325
Class-B amplifi er , 318
variations on , 323
Class-C amplifi er , 318–319
Class-D amplifi er , 319
Class-E amplifi er , 319
Class-F amplifi er , 319
Class-G amplifi er , 319–321
Class-H amplifi er , 321–322
Class-S amplifi er , 322–323
Classical control theory , 377
Clip prevention , 277–278
Clipping considerations , 277
Closed-backed headphones , 742
Cochlea , 9–11
Colloms ’ law , 712
Color codes, of resistors , 119
Color television , 816–823
Comb fi lter , 513
Common gain control , 267–272
audio taper , 268–269
characteristics , 268
common values , 268
fi xed install , 271–272
linear variants , 269
position , 271
right range , 269
Common mode impedance , 254
Common mode rejection (CMR) ,
246 , 254–257 , 792
achievement , 255–256
impossibilities , 256
minimum requirements , 254
relativity rules , 257
sonic effects, of RF , 257
system reality , 257
Communication networks ,
Commutating amplifi ers , 321
Compact disc , 497
digital encoding, problems with:
bandwidth , 498–499
quantization noise , 497–498
signal recovery and
bandwidth limitation,
fi ltering for , 499–502
translation nonlinearity , 499
transmission errors, detection
and correction of , 499
disc recording , 504–505
error correction , 520
error detection , 520–521
faulty bit/word replacement ,
recording system layout ,
replay system , 505
electronic characteristics ,
physical characteristics , 505
Compression , 431–432
Compression and limiting (comp-
lim) , 276–277
Compression drivers , 706–707 ,
Computer, transcribing a
recording by , 626–629
Computer control , 278–280
Concealment , 426 , 541
Cone drivers , 705–706 , 712
Constant current (CC) sources ,
Control grid , 340–342
Control theory , 368
Convection cooling , 403
Convolution , 799–800
Cooling , 402–403
Copy protection systems , 634
Cosine waveform , 453
Creative Mixer , 602
Creative Technology Ltd. , 602
Crest Audio’s , 279
Critical bandwidth , 17
Cross-blending , 733
Cross-coupled NAND gate , 444 ,
Cross-interleave Reed–Solomon
code (CIRC) , 504 , 520
“ Cross-interleaving ” , 522
Cross talk , 382–383