Audio Engineering

(Barry) #1

904 Index

Recording consoles (continued)
inductor–gyrators , 785 , 787
insert points , 784
line-level stages , 789–793
microphone preamplifi ers ,
mix amplifi ers , 789 , 790
Q ’ control , 780 , 788
shelving equalizer , 785
tone controls , 784–785
digital consoles:
digital fi ltering , 796–798
digital manipulation ,
digital mixer architecture ,
digital signal processing , 795
digital line-up , 771
line-up levels , 770
mixer automation , 793–794
time code , 794
sound mixer architecture and
circuit blocks , 771
effect sends and returns , 774
equalizer , 779 , 780
groups , 772–773
input strip , 772 , 776
pan control , 773
revisited groups , 774–775
system architecture , 772
talkback , 777
standard levels and level
meters , 762
opto-electronic level
indication , 767–768
polar displays , 768–769
PPM dynamic performance ,
PPM meter , 765–766
VU meter , 763–765
Recording Industry Association
of America (RIAA)
recording standards , 170
Recording media , 533–535

Recording system layout ,
Recursive fi lter , 801
Reduced instruction set
computing (RISC)
processor , 594
Refl ection , 91 , 92 , 93 , 94
Refl ection pattern , 109–110
Refraction , 91–92
Remotable gain controls , 272–275
JFETs , 274
LED  LDRIs , 273–274
M-DACs , 274–275
R & R array , 275
voltage-controlled amplifi er ,
Remote control considerations ,
repeatability errors , 276
temperature , 275–276
Replay system:
electronic characteristics ,
bitstream process and noise
shaping , 518–520
digital fi ltering and
oversampling , 513–517
digital-to-analog conversion ,
dither , 517–518
EFM technique , 510–511
physical characteristics , 505
additional data, encoded on
disc , 506
CD performance and disc
statistics , 505–506
optical readout system ,
Resistive cross talk , 382
Resistors , 117–122
Resonances , 856–861
Reverberant sound fi eld , 109–112
Reverberation time , 855 , 865–867
Ribbon microphones , 645

Ribbon speaker , 708 , 712
Roland digital multitrack , 760
ROM-based waveform synthesis ,
Room acoustics , 841
noise control , 842
external airborne noise , 845
internal noise transfer ,
internally and locally
generated noise , 845
sound insulation , 847–854
studio and control room
acoustics , 854
absorber performance ,
absorbers , 856
resonances , 856–861
reverberation and refl ection ,
Room modes , 856–861
Root mean square measurements ,
Rotary head digital recorders ,
432–434 , 535 , 556–562
Rotel , 612
Rumble fi lters , 236
Run-length-limited codes , 549
Run-length limits , 549

Sampler , 422 , 535–536
Sampling , 412 , 478–482
Sampling frequency , see
Sampling rate
Sampling rate , 413
Sampling window , 516
Sanyo , 611
SAOL (Structured Audio
Orchestra Language) ,
Scratch fi lters , 236
Second-order fi lter structures , 472
Sectors , 550
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