
(Barry) #1

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Cowley reminded them. There was a slight difference of
opinion between himself and the Collard grand.
There was.
—A symposium all his own, Mr Dedalus said. The devil
wouldn’t stop him. He was a crotchety old fellow in the pri-
mary stage of drink.
—God, do you remember? Ben bulky Dollard said, turn-
ing from the punished keyboard. And by Japers I had no
wedding garment.
They laughed all three. He had no wed. All trio laughed.
No wedding garment.
—Our friend Bloom turned in handy that night, Mr
Dedalus said. Where’s my pipe, by the way?
He wandered back to the bar to the lost chord pipe. Bald
Pat carried two diners’ drinks, Richie and Poldy. And Fa-
ther Cowley laughed again.
—I saved the situation, Ben, I think.
—You did, averred Ben Dollard. I remember those tight
trousers too. That was a brilliant idea, Bob.
Father Cowley blushed to his brilliant purply lobes. He
saved the situa. Tight trou. Brilliant ide.
—I knew he was on the rocks, he said. The wife was play-
ing the piano in the coffee palace on Saturdays for a very
trifling consideration and who was it gave me the wheeze
she was doing the other business? Do you remember? We
had to search all Holles street to find them till the chap in
Keogh’s gave us the number. Remember? Ben remembered,
his broad visage wondering.
—By God, she had some luxurious operacloaks and

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