
(Barry) #1

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strong. Pay your money, take your choice. How happy could
you be with either ...
BLOOM: With ...?
VIRAG: (His tongue upcurling) Lyum! Look. Her beam
is broad. She is coated with quite a considerable layer of
fat. Obviously mammal in weight of bosom you remark
that she has in front well to the fore two protuberanc-
es of very respectable dimensions, inclined to fall in the
noonday soupplate, while on her rere lower down are two
additional protuberances, suggestive of potent rectum and
tumescent for palpation, which leave nothing to be de-
sired save compactness. Such fleshy parts are the product
of careful nurture. When coopfattened their livers reach
an elephantine size. Pellets of new bread with fennygreek
and gumbenjamin swamped down by potions of green tea
endow them during their brief existence with natural pin-
cushions of quite colossal blubber. That suits your book, eh?
Fleshhotpots of Egypt to hanker after. Wallow in it. Lycopo-
dium. (His throat twitches) Slapbang! There he goes again.
BLOOM: The stye I dislike.
VIRAG: (Arches his eyebrows) Contact with a goldring,
they say. Argumentum ad feminam, as we said in old Rome
and ancient Greece in the consulship of Diplodocus and
Ichthyosauros. For the rest Eve’s sovereign remedy. Not for
sale. Hire only. Huguenot. (He twitches) It is a funny sound.
(He coughs encouragingly) But possibly it is only a wart. I
presume you shall have remembered what I will have taught
you on that head? Wheatenmeal with honey and nutmeg.
BLOOM: (Reflecting) Wheatenmeal with lycopodium

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