
(Barry) #1

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a child off him that couldn’t swallow and was smothered
with the convulsions in the mattress and we all subscribed
for the funeral.
PHILIP DRUNK: (Gravely) Qui vous a mis dans cette fi-
chue position, Philippe?
PHILIP SOBER: (Gaily) c’ était le sacré pigeon, Philippe.
(Kitty unpins her hat and sets it down calmly, patting her
henna hair. And a prettier, a daintier head of winsome curls
was never seen on a whore’s shoulders. Lynch puts on her hat.
She whips it off.)
LYNCH: (Laughs) And to such delights has Metchnikoff
inoculated anthropoid apes.
FLORRY: (Nods) Locomotor ataxy.
ZOE: (Gaily) O, my dictionary.
LYNCH: Three wise virgins.
VIRAG: (Agueshaken, profuse yellow spawn foaming
over his bony epileptic lips) She sold lovephiltres, whitewax,
orangeflower. Panther, the Roman centurion, polluted her
with his genitories. (He sticks out a flickering phosphorescent
scorpion tongue, his hand on his fork) Messiah! He burst her
tympanum. (With gibbering baboon’s cries he jerks his hips
in the cynical spasm) Hik! Hek! Hak! Hok! Huk! Kok! Kuk!
(Ben Jumbo Dollard, Rubicund, musclebound,
hairynostrilled, hugebearded, cabbageeared, shaggychested,
shockmaned, fatpapped, stands forth, his loins and genitals
tightened into a pair of black bathing bagslops.)
BEN DOLLARD: (Nakkering castanet bones in his huge
padded paws, yodels jovially in base barreltone) When love
absorbs my ardent soul.

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