
(Barry) #1

1 Ulysses

O, the poor little fellow
Hihihihihis legs they were yellow
He was plump, fat and heavy and brisk as a snake
But some bloody savage
To graize his white cabbage
He murdered Nell Flaherty’s duckloving drake.

(A multitude of midges swarms white over his robe.
He scratches himself with crossed arms at his ribs,
grimacing, and exclaims:)

I’m suffering the agony of the damned. By the hoky
fiddle, thanks be to Jesus those funny little chaps are not
unanimous. If they were they’d walk me off the face of the
bloody globe.
(His head aslant he blesses curtly with fore and middle fin-
gers, imparts the Easter kiss and doubleshuffles off comically,
swaying his hat from side to side, shrinking quickly to the
size of his trainbearers. The dwarf acolytes, giggling, peeping,
nudging, ogling, Easterkissing, zigzag behind him. His voice
is heard mellow from afar, merciful male, melodious:)

Shall carry my heart to thee,
Shall carry my heart to thee,
And the breath of the balmy night
Shall carry my heart to thee!

(The trick doorhandle turns.)
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