
(Barry) #1

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ZOE: The devil is in that door.
(A male form passes down the creaking staircase and is
heard taking the waterproof and hat from the rack. Bloom
starts forward involuntarily and, half closing the door as he
passes, takes the chocolate from his pocket and offers it ner-
vously to Zoe.)
ZOE: (Sniffs his hair briskly) Hmmm! Thank your moth-
er for the rabbits. I’m very fond of what I like.
BLOOM: (Hearing a male voice in talk with the whores on
the doorstep, pricks his ears) If it were he? After? Or because
not? Or the double event?
ZOE: (Tears open the silverfoil) Fingers was made before
forks. (She breaks off and nibbles a piece gives a piece to Kitty
Ricketts and then turns kittenishly to Lynch) No objection to
French lozenges? (He nods. She taunts him.) Have it now or
wait till you get it? (He opens his mouth, his head cocked. She
whirls the prize in left circle. His head follows. She whirls it
back in right circle. He eyes her.) Catch!
(She tosses a piece. With an adroit snap he catches it and
bites it through with a crack.)
KITTY: (Chewing) The engineer I was with at the bazaar
does have lovely ones. Full of the best liqueurs. And the
viceroy was there with his lady. The gas we had on the Toft’s
hobbyhorses. I’m giddy still.
BLOOM: (In Svengali’s fur overcoat, with folded arms
and Napoleonic forelock, frowns in ventriloquial exorcism
with piercing eagle glance towards the door. Then rigid with
left foot advanced he makes a swift pass with impelling fin-

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