
(Barry) #1

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their Gomorrahan vices.
BLOOM: (Bends his blushing face into his armpit and
simpers with forefinger in mouth) O, I know what you’re
hinting at now!
BELLO: What else are you good for, an impotent thing
like you? (He stoops and, peering, pokes with his fan rudely
under the fat suet folds of Bloom’s haunches) Up! Up! Manx
cat! What have we here? Where’s your curly teapot gone to
or who docked it on you, cockyolly? Sing, birdy, sing. It’s as
limp as a boy of six’s doing his pooly behind a cart. Buy a
bucket or sell your pump. (Loudly) Can you do a man’s job?
BLOOM: Eccles street ...
BELLO: (Sarcastically) I wouldn’t hurt your feelings for
the world but there’s a man of brawn in possession there.
The tables are turned, my gay young fellow! He is something
like a fullgrown outdoor man. Well for you, you muff, if you
had that weapon with knobs and lumps and warts all over
it. He shot his bolt, I can tell you! Foot to foot, knee to knee,
belly to belly, bubs to breast! He’s no eunuch. A shock of
red hair he has sticking out of him behind like a furzebush!
Wait for nine months, my lad! Holy ginger, it’s kicking and
coughing up and down in her guts already! That makes you
wild, don’t it? Touches the spot? (He spits in contempt) Spit-
BLOOM: I was indecently treated, I ... Inform the po-
lice. Hundred pounds. Unmentionable. I ...
BELLO: Would if you could, lame duck. A downpour we
want not your drizzle.
BLOOM: To drive me mad! Moll! I forgot! Forgive! Moll

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