
(Barry) #1

 0 Ulysses

serves. But with a little goodwill all round. It’s all very fine
to boast of mutual superiority but what about mutual equal-
ity. I resent violence and intolerance in any shape or form.
It never reaches anything or stops anything. A revolution
must come on the due instalments plan. It’s a patent absur-
dity on the face of it to hate people because they live round
the corner and speak another vernacular, in the next house
so to speak.
—Memorable bloody bridge battle and seven minutes’
war, Stephen assented, between Skinner’s alley and Or-
mond market.
Yes, Mr Bloom thoroughly agreed, entirely endorsing
the remark, that was overwhelmingly right. And the whole
world was full of that sort of thing.
—You just took the words out of my mouth, he said.
A hocuspocus of conflicting evidence that candidly you
couldn’t remotely ...
All those wretched quarrels, in his humble opinion, stir-
ring up bad blood, from some bump of combativeness or
gland of some kind, erroneously supposed to be about a
punctilio of honour and a flag, were very largely a question
of the money question which was at the back of everything
greed and jealousy, people never knowing when to stop.
—They accuse, remarked he audibly.
He turned away from the others who probably and spoke
nearer to, so as the others in case they.
—Jews, he softly imparted in an aside in Stephen’s ear,
are accused of ruining. Not a vestige of truth in it, I can
safely say. History, would you be surprised to learn, proves
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