
(Barry) #1

 0 Ulysses

The attractive character of certain localities in Ireland
and abroad, as represented in general geographical maps of
polychrome design or in special ordnance survey charts by
employment of scale numerals and hachures.
In Ireland?
The cliffs of Moher, the windy wilds of Connemara, lough
Neagh with submerged petrified city, the Giant’s Causeway,
Fort Camden and Fort Carlisle, the Golden Vale of Tip-
perary, the islands of Aran, the pastures of royal Meath,
Brigid’s elm in Kildare, the Queen’s Island shipyard in Bel-
fast, the Salmon Leap, the lakes of Killarney.
Ceylon (with spicegardens supplying tea to Thomas Ker-
nan, agent for Pulbrook, Robertson and Co, 2 Mincing Lane,
London, E. C., 5 Dame street, Dublin), Jerusalem, the holy
city (with mosque of Omar and gate of Damascus, goal of
aspiration), the straits of Gibraltar (the unique birthplace of
Marion Tweedy), the Parthenon (containing statues of nude
Grecian divinities), the Wall street money market (which
controlled international finance), the Plaza de Toros at La
Linea, Spain (where O’Hara of the Camerons had slain the
bull), Niagara (over which no human being had passed with
impunity), the land of the Eskimos (eaters of soap), the for-
bidden country of Thibet (from which no traveller returns),
the bay of Naples (to see which was to die), the Dead Sea.
Under what guidance, following what signs?
At sea, septentrional, by night the polestar, located at the
point of intersection of the right line from beta to alpha in
Ursa Maior produced and divided externally at omega and
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