Grammar and Language Workbook

(Axel Boer) #1
202 Grammar and Language Workbook, Grade 6

Copyright © by Glencoe/McGraw-Hill


  1. Cheryl dove (in, into) the water with a huge splash.

  2. Do you think (its, it’s) harder to get up early when it is cold outside?
    Exercise 2 Write in the blank the correct form of the word in italics. If the italicized
    word is correct, write C in the blank.
    into My mother drove the car in the garage.
    teach 1. Elliot tried to learn his baby parakeet to say “Hello.”
    C 2. We raked the leaves and put them into big bags.
    lay 3. If you lie the marshmallow on a hot surface, it will melt.
    learn 4. Marsha wants to teach several French words before she goes to Quebec.
    in 5. The festival was held into the school’s gymnasium.
    lay 6. We know better than to lie wet towels on the floor.
    C 7. Juan played chess with his friends in the living room.
    into 8. I got goosebumps as we walked in the cold movie theater.
    C 9. Florida has Tallahassee as its capital city.
    teach 10. Can you learn me to do that neat card trick?
    It’s 11. Its too late in the season to go bird watching.
    C 12. Laura is learning to play the piano.
    its 13. The watchdog bared it’s sharp, white teeth.
    lie 14. After the race we were ready to lay down and rest.
    C 15. Alfonso is sitting in the dentist’s waiting room.

Writing Link Write a brief paragraph describing your house or apartment. Include the
words in, into, its, it’s, lay, and lie.
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