Grammar and Language Workbook

(Axel Boer) #1
Unit 12, Punctuation 239

Copyright © by Glencoe/McGraw-Hill


Lesson 74
Using Commas III

In dates, use commas after the day of the month and the year. Do not use a
comma if only the month and the year are given.
Shama arrived in this country on July 6,1989, with her family.
She became a citizen in January 1996.
Use commas before and after the name of a state or country when it is used with
the name of a city. Do not use a comma after the state if the state name is
followed by a zip code.
She used to live in Chicago, Illinois, but now she lives in Detroit,Michigan.
His address is 296 S. Pacific Avenue,Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania 15211.
Use a comma or a pair of commas to set off an abbreviated title (except Jr.and Sr.)
or a degree following a person’s name.
Lou Szupinski,Ph.D.,wrote the book about fossils.

Exercise 1 Add commas where needed. Write Cif the sentence is correct.
Send your questions on health to Dr. Chris Boyd,M.D.
C 1. His address is 1402 Michigan Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois 60606.

  1. We had a huge blizzard on February 18,1989.
    C 3. Our largest blizzard before that was in January 1953.
    C 4. Pat Hoyt, D.V.M., is the veterinarian.
    C 5. The Pittsburgh Press is at 34 Boulevard of the Allies, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

  2. C 6. On graduation day my sister will be Alma Lopez, B.A.

  3. We crossed the bridge into Brooklyn,New York.
    C 8. The lawyer talking to the judge is Marion Ling, J.D.
    C 9. Francisco was born in Guanajuato, Mexico.

  4. The Sistine Chapel is in Vatican City,Italy.

  5. Portland, Maine,is the home of the Portland Sea Dogs.
    C 12. Abraham Lincoln was born in February 1809.

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