Grammar and Language Workbook

(Axel Boer) #1
Unit 12, Punctuation 243

Copyright © by Glencoe/McGraw-Hill


Lesson 76
Commas in Review

Exercise 1 Add commas where needed. Write Cif the item is correct.
At school we learn to read, write,and do math.

  1. Excuse me, Mr. Ogura,did you drop this book?

  2. In case of fire,go out through the rear door.
    C 3. Josie, did you hear what I said?
    C 4. Susan graduated from college in June 1996.
    C 5. Bring some old magazines or newspapers to class.

  3. In baseball you have to throw, hit,and catch the ball.

  4. Jason,have you eaten lunch yet?
    C 8. Gorillas are large, but they are very shy.

  5. The Titanic sank,and hundreds of lives were lost.

  6. For the test we had to do problems 3, 6 ,and 9.

  7. Like Bill,Andy tried out for the lead in the play.
    C 12. Inside the cage a small, fluffy animal was eating seeds.

  8. On the first Saturday in June,the pool will open.

  9. The box held three marbles, a button,and a ticket stub.

  10. Bill’s dog, Ana discovered,had found the missing sock.
    C 16. As a matter of fact, I was about to do my homework.
    C 17. Robert, may I use the computer after you?
    C 18. My red shirt was wrinkled, but I wore it anyway.

  11. Along the highway into town,you will pass several horse farms.

  12. Instead of nine,ten o’clock is when the children went to bed.
    C 21. On the beach Ali and Jessica were building a sand castle.
    C 22. Just inside the door her faithful cat was waiting.

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