Grammar and Language Workbook

(Axel Boer) #1
Unit 12, Punctuation 247

Copyright © by Glencoe/McGraw-Hill


Lesson 78
Quotation Marks

Use quotation marks before and after a direct quotation.
“How very strange this is!” cried Alice.
Use quotation marks before and after each part of an interrupted quotation.
“With those broken shutters,” said Carter, “this place looks deserted.”
Use a comma or commas to separate a phrase such as she saidfrom the quotation
itself. Place the comma outside opening quotation marks but inside closing
quotation marks.
The White Rabbit said, “Oh, dear! Oh, dear! I shall be too late!”
“It was much more pleasant at home,” thought Sarah.
Place a period inside closing quotation marks.
Clarisse said, “I read a good book last weekend.”
Place a question mark or an exclamation mark inside the quotation marks when it
is part of the quotation.
“What exactly did you see?” asked Detective Keeler.
Place a question mark or an exclamation mark outside the quotation marks when
it is part of the entire sentence but not part of the quotation.
Did you hear him shout “Carumba!”?

Exercise 1 Add quotation marks and other punctuation marks as needed.
“This book,”said Toni,“is the best I have ever read.”
1.“What a great car!”exclaimed Ricardo.
2.Robin asked the lady“,Would you like to sit down?”
3.Did Ms. Mercado say“,Read the first three chapters”?
4.“No, thank you”,said Tomás “,I don’t want any more mashed potatoes.”
5.Colleen said“,,May I use the phone when you’re finished with it?”
6.Juan said,“,Chris is two inches taller than Pete.”
7.Fidel said to Ahmed“,,Could you lend me a pencil?”
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