Grammar and Language Workbook

(Axel Boer) #1
248 Grammar and Language Workbook, Grade 6

Copyright © by Glencoe/McGraw-Hill


8. Mom asked“,Who wants to go to the store with me?”

  1. Tom yelled“,The boat is sinking!”

  2. I think he said“,No talking during a fire drill.”

  3. “Three strikes and you’re out”,,said the umpire.

  4. “Does anyone here”,,asked Michele“,know how to spell embarrass?”

  5. Did you hear him yell“,You’re out”?

  6. Dad asked,“Would you rather have hamburgers or chicken for supper?”

  7. “That”,said Penny,“is the silliest joke I’ve ever heard.”

  8. “After you log on to the computer”,said Aiko“,choose a game from the menu.”

  9. “Uh-oh”,said Jill,“we’re out of cat food.”

  10. “Here’s the two dollars I owe you”,said Diego.

  11. “My cat”,said Jack,“weighs eighteen pounds.”

  12. “That’s a mighty big cat”,said Beth.

  13. Carl asked“,Is English your favorite subject?”

  14. “The ancient Greeks”,Mr. Hassan said“,were famous for their cleverness.”

  15. “I’m going to be an astronaut”,Jane said proudly.

  16. “President Abraham Lincoln”,my dad told me“,liked to tell funny stories.”

  17. “I have to go”,Derek said.“There’s a call waiting.”

  18. Terri shouted,“Let’s get out of here!”

  19. Karne called and said,“When are you coming?”

  20. “A penny saved is a penny earned”,Ben Franklin said.

Writing Link Write about a conversation you have had with a friend or a family
member. Use quotation marks and other punctuation as needed.
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