Félix Guattari: Thought, Friendship, and Visionary Cartography

(Jeff_L) #1
nized men, in the epitome of discontinuity. It is the horror that
verifies Hegel and stands him on his head. If he transfigured the
totality of historic suffering into the positivity of the self-realizing
absolute, the One and All that keeps rolling on to this day – with
occasional breathing spells – would teleologically be the absolute of
suffering. (Negative Dialectics, 320)

Hegel is starkly turned on his head: there is no truth at the end of the
historical process, no positive totality beyond contradiction, no history
beyond prehistory. The conclusion of the process of modernity is not the
positive totality that ’68 had thought to bring about. On the contrary, it
is the deployment of an absolute lie in the form of totalitarianism, indeed
of totalitarianisms. Archaic totalitarianisms of the land, of blood, of race,
even the utopist ones of class, of socialism, of the party, and finally the
most powerful and totalizing totalitarianism: the totalitarianism of money,
of value, of the code: the totalitarianism of communication.

Anti-Oedipus: desire and territoriality

Desire can never be deceived. Interests can be deceived, unrecognized
or betrayed, but not desire. Whence Reich’s cry: no, the masses were
not deceived, they desired fascism, and that is what has to be explained.
It happens that one desires against one’s own interests ... (Anti-Oedipus,

The process of subjectivation is constructed around the investments
of desire.
The subject does not come first before desire; rather, it is desire that
trails after a trace that we can call subjectivation. There is no subject
that desires, but a field of assemblage in which organic, machinic, his-
torical, sexual, etc., segments abound. Desire is the force that guides
processes of assemblage [agencement] and sets in motion the process of
subjectivation while directing it.
If I recall well, they do not yet speak about refrains [ritournelles] in Anti-
Oedipus, but the concept of the refrain – that Guattari had just elaborated
in his 1979 The Machinic Unconscious [L’Inconscient machinique], and then
in A Thousand Plateaus– is essential for understanding how the process
of subjectivation works in Deleuze and Guattari’s thought. In fact, it is
through the refrain, that is, through a singular semiotic flow capable of
creating assemblages with the surrounding semiotic landscapes, that the
process of subjectivation is realized. This process is concretized through

Why is Anti-Oedipusthe Book of the ’68 Movement? 83

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