Félix Guattari: Thought, Friendship, and Visionary Cartography

(Jeff_L) #1
refrains that allow an assemblage between a conscious organism and
surrounding semiotic constellations that enter into vibration with it.
A discourse on the investments of desire must take into account the
effects of deterritorialization and reterritorialization that take place
around the subject, attracting it and repelling it.

Civilized modern societies are defined by processes of decoding and
deterritorialization. But what they deterritorialize with one hand, they
reterritorialize with the other. These neoterritorialities are often artificial,
residual, archaic ... (Anti-Oedipus, 257, emphasis in the original)

Paranoid investments of desire are determined through the encounter
between a process of deterritorialization (for example, the effects of
capitalist globalization on local cultures) and a movement of reterritor-
ialization that aims at reconstructing marks of identity through stabil-
izing borders, through aggression and the individuation of difference,
and through the criminalization of alterity.
Anti-Oedipusproposes to adopt schizophrenia as the point of view
from which to redefine the task of analysis and psychotherapy. And
schizophrenia is ‘the absolute decodification of flows’.
Schizophrenia is the exploration of semiotic territories by a non-
subjectified flow of assemblages that are not fixed on a definitional
refrain. Thus, it does not ossify any model of interpretation and is not
identified as a closed subjectivity.
In this sense, while recognizing the suffering of this absolute opening,
of this speed of displacement and imagination that does not manage ever
to stop and solidify, Anti-Oedipusmakes of this process its own point of
view, from which it observes the agglutination of the normative social
field as an effect of a territorialization, of a molar redefinition of identity.
What circulates in the social body, in the process of communication?
What is the substance that holds together the symbolic exchange that
motivates human actions?
This substance is abstract; it is desire. It does not suffice to say: what
moves us is money, or what moves us is religion, or ideology. One
must understand how this abstract substance permeates behaviours,
how it is transformed into desire.

The genetic revolution occurred when it was discovered that, strictly
speaking, there is no transmission of flows, but a communication
of a code or an axiomatic, of a combinative apparatus [combinatoire]
informing the flows. Such is also the case for the social field: its

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