Félix Guattari: Thought, Friendship, and Visionary Cartography

(Jeff_L) #1
units of production. The real is the end product, the result of the
passive syntheses of desire as autoproduction of the unconscious.
Desire does not lack anything; it does not lack its object. It is, rather,
the subject that is missing in desire, or desire that lacks a fixed
subject; there is no fixed subject unless there is repression. Desire
and its object are one and the same thing. (Anti-Oedipus, 26, empha-
sis in the original)

Once it is freed from ideological representations of its protagonists,
’68 is the first movement of mass desiring productions, the first refrain
of refrains that has ever been felt on the planet: a deafening refrain, a
gigantic mechanization of Tinguelyian cogwheels that together conjure
up a universe of non-necessary, but possible events. ’68 was in this sense
the first movement without necessity, without lack, without need.

[As Marx notes,] what exists in fact is not lack, but passion as a ‘natural
and sensuous object’. Desire is not bolstered by needs, but rather the
contrary; needs are derived from desire: they are counterproducts
within the real that desire produces. Lack is a countereffect of desire;
it is deposited, distributed, vacuolized within a real that is natural
and social. (Anti-Oedipus, 27, citation modified to conform to original


The theme of desire first articulated in Anti-Oedipusanticipates the
development of subsequent texts. In Chaosmosis, Guattari’s final work,
he speaks of the relationship between desire and rhythm: rhythm is
the modality of projecting the world by a singularity. And desire alone
can assemble a singular rhythm with another singular rhythm. What
Guattari called the refrain is precisely this singularization of rhythm,
this singularity of breathing, of striding, of speaking, of gesturing and
especially of synchronizing oneself with the world. Desire allows a refrain
to tune itself in with another refrain.
When different refrains start singing in tune there occurs a shared
We can call this conception creationism because the world appears
here like the projection of a creative activity that intersects and assem-
bles with other creative activities. The truth is a bridge over the abyss
of sense. But you cannot travel over this bridge if you do not share the
intensive world of whoever constructed it in order to traverse the

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