Félix Guattari: Thought, Friendship, and Visionary Cartography

(Jeff_L) #1
abyss. It is not a question of sharing his reasoning, nor of expressing
agreement, because it is not a question of the content of an argument-
ative activity. It is a matter of conceptual creations, that is, of pro-
jections capable of creating a world, of constructing traversable bridges.
The truth does not consist in finding a sense around which to con-
struct consensus, but consists in projecting worlds endowed with sense
for whoever shares the intensity that is the motor of this projection.
Guattari felt a certain distaste for the big words of traditional philo-
sophy, such as truth and freedom, and yada yada yada.


The idea that the collective process can be configured as the realization
of an implicit truth in history is the Hegelian heredity from which the
’68 consciousness was unable to free itself. In the period following ’68,
precisely when it seemed that the dialectical project was about to be
realized, the dialectical illusion dissolved and society became ever less
reducible to a global project. From that moment onward, speaking
about truth – to seek a truth, a finality, a positive destination from the
intricacies of collective events – became increasingly improbable. From
that moment onward, only the communities of friendship (not of
membership) could produce sharable social life.
Unfortunately, in the political history of the last decade, the ’68 gen-
eration understood this too late. After having hurriedly abandoned the
totalitarian idols of the twentieth century, it replaced dialectical truth
with cynicism, converted over to any conformism and stooped to any
academic, political and spectacular baseness.
But friendship remains the richest lesson of the history of the move-
ments. And friendship means a provisional community that is not based
on any common origin, on any written destiny, on any historical necess-
ity, but instead only on provisionally assembling refrains. It means love
for the same situations, pursuing the same provisional objectives, taking
pleasure in following the same path together, or failing together, and

Why is Anti-Oedipusthe Book of the ’68 Movement? 87

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