ics’ without regard to the traditional opposition between mecha-
nism and vitalism. (Anti-Oedipus, 288)
The traditional opposition between mechanicism and vitalism reveals
itself as too limited to comprehend the development of microphysics.
On the sub-atomic scale, the distinction between domains of matter is
losing its meaning.
Modern humanism fixes a rigorous hierarchy of different domains of
matter because this is functional for its epistemic strategy. The domain
of inorganic matter had to be distinguished from the domain of organic
matter, and then a special place was given to the human domain.
Today we are currently oriented toward a different epistemic strategy
in which the human no longer maintains any privileged place, and
especially can no longer appeal to a sort of hierarchical separation.
We hear people talking about the post-human, and this expression
can mean many things.
Above all, it can mean the failure of rationalist humanism that has
been unable to govern the social relations between organisms of the
human kind, and today it is constrained to surrender in the face of
the unleashing of the bestial, the pulsional and the machinic.
One can speak of post-human also in the artistic sphere because
artists, who arrive more quickly and courageously than the politicians
at the inevitable but embarrassing consequences of historical failures,
have begun to stage the human body as a carnal segment in a hetero-
geneous machinic continuum in which organic matter, inorganic matter
and digital pulsations interact in the form of a bio-complex organism.
In recent years, bioengineering has generated doubts about whether
the human marks an absolute discontinuity in nature.
It is precisely because it problematized the material continuity between
the organic and the machinic that Anti-Oedipusanticipated post-human
thinking by two decades.
But it is especially A Thousand Plateaus, eight years after Anti-Oedipus,
that muddies the waters of any classificatory distinction in the material
sphere. Matter, in A Thousand Plateaus, is a flow in continuous recom-
positional becoming.
A treatise on semiochemistry^1
We can consider A Thousand Plateausto be a treatise on semiochemistry
even if, as far as I know, Deleuze and Guattari never used this term.
Signs are not (only) signifying, but also material segments, factors in
deterritorialization, viral agents, strategies of displacement.
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