imposing an inalterable order of things and concepts. They write: ‘The
plane of consistency knows nothing of difference in level ...’ (A Thousand
Plateaus, 69).
While a difference of level exists between the biological and the noo-
logical spheres, for example, there can always be a plane of consistency
that selects segments with biological valence or segments with cultural,
spiritual, or ideological valence. Then we could define the plane of consis-
tency as a particular, singular slice that operates through a constellation
of events, signs, or affects. Any essentialism, then, gets definitively dis-
solved because beings are no longer definable as belonging to an arche-
typical series; there is no reference to the essence of the event or of the
aggregate. Events, aggregates and signs do not belong to any series that
reduces them to any sort of archetype. They are to be considered rather as
singular constellations, singularities composed by traits that have been
borrowed, copied or even ripped out from other singular constellations.
Like in the Democritean conception, phenomena are considered as
aggregates of entirely provisional elements.
With the expression ‘molecular revolution’, Guattari synthesized his
way of thinking about politics and social becoming. Modes of social
behaviour, imaginary stratifications, desires and obsessions conjoin
molecularly and not in identitarian form. There is no constituted
subjectivity bearing positive values that would be opposed to a social
subject defending negative values. There is no dialectical contraposition,
but the continuous dislocation of imaginary fragments that can be put
together either according to identitarian, aggressive rules, or to desiring,
dispersive and politically libertarian rules.
The compositional elements (let’s call them pure atoms, molecules,
or better yet, viruses, contagious signs as messengers of information)
are not significant in themselves. They acquire semiotic power in their
composition with other elements:
Lines of signifying decoding, composed of discrete figures – binariz-
able, syntagmatizable, and paradigmatizable – sometimes appear in
one Universe or another. And we can have the illusion that the
same signifying network occupies all these domains. It is, however,
totally different when we consider the actual texture of these
Universes of reference. They are always marked with the stamp of
singularity. (Guattari, Chaosmosis, 38)
What we call reality is therefore the projection (or rather the innumer-
able successive projections) of a functional or semantic continuity on
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