Félix Guattari: Thought, Friendship, and Visionary Cartography

(Jeff_L) #1
cured with psychopharmacological means, tools of quick intervention
aimed at restoring productivity to the mind. For the residual popu-
lation excluded from the virtual circuit, psychopathology then becomes
the new condition of normality: an aggressive normality, of which inte-
gralism, nationalism and conformism are common manifestations.


Perhaps the crisis of psychoanalysis is truly derived from the nor-
malization of psychopathology, from the fact that this is becoming
a shared condition. How is it possible to maintain a specific area of
analysis and psychotherapy when the processes of politics, production
and communication seem to coincide with a progressive pathologiza-
tion of social existence?
Naturally I realize how dangerous this position is.
In this way of thinking there is, first, a risk of flattening out indi-
vidual histories, of reducing them to manifestations of a generalized
social pathology and, secondly, we also run the risk of losing sight of
the specificity of social analysis, definitively diluting it within a psycho-
pathological frame. Finally, and more radically, one must ask: who gives
us the right to judge as pathological the form of life that is emerging?
Here we have a problem that we must pose whenever we exer-
cise judgment on the political, psychoanalytical or even aesthetic
plane. What right do we have to consider as barbarous that which
simply escapes our criterion for judgment? Is it perhaps not a question
of an intrinsic limit of the human character in critical thinking? Is
it perhaps not a question of a limit from which we cannot in fact
be freed but that we should admit, simply recognizing our inability
to understand what has already surpassed the limits of humanistic


When we are horrified when faced with the expanse of little houses
decorated with lawn gnomes that are flourishing, for example, along
the Sicilian coast, what right do we have to pretend that our taste is
objectively superior to the taste of ninety per cent of Sicilians who like
to construct Mexican-style houses with Nordic gnomes between the
valley of temples and the Ionian Sea?
Is there not perhaps an irremediable contradiction between aesthetics
and democracy?

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