From the crisis of psychoanalysis what emerges is schizopolitics, a
politics understood as therapy of the collective functioning of language
and as the dissemination of therapeutic flows in the circuit of social
In the modern era, the political was the order imposed by rational
will on the ensemble of imaginary, projective and communicative phe-
nomena. Rationality – that is, the capacity to choose between alter-
native decisions according to a universal criterion – guided the will
- that is, the capacity to pursue a plan and to impose it on the course
of mental, communicative and material events. None of this exists any
more. The signs that constitute the shared world of the Infosphere are
too numerous and too quick to be critically analysed and understood.
Consequently, the conditions no longer exist for a rational decision
about their complex order, and they exist even less for a voluntary
orientation of the course of global events.
The course of global events thus presents itself as a psychopathological
chaos in which individual and even collective minds lose any ability to
guide their own destiny. Psychic suffering is derived from the feeling of
rampant inadequacy between the pretext of a voluntary and rational
finality of action and the reality of random and inconsistent move-
ment, the reality of an imaginary deprived of order and hierarchies. It
is the legacy of modern rationalism that produces a feeling of inade-
quacy in the collective mind.
Schizoanalysis suggests another way of relating to politics. No possibility
for rational selection exists, nor for voluntary finality. Schizoanalysis pro-
poses to abolish any normative reference to rational judgment.
Schizoanalysis institutes the criterion for a singularity of judgment
that is parallel to the singularity of communicative flows and existen-
tial aggregates.
No social coherence exists any more; rather, singular processes of
socialization exist, and they can assume their own self-governance
only if we are able to free ourselves completely from the normative and
organizational reference to the social aggregate.
We must declare human society dissolved, because humanity no longer
has any reason to remain together. The disappearance of universal judg-
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